Happy Labor Day! Do you know how squirrels gather nuts in the fall and store them for winter? We are kind of like squirrels right now on the farm. Everything we’re doing is in preparation for winter. The grass hay is being cut, raked, baled, and then put in the barn. Luckily, we round bale everything and don’t have to stack square bales. Guess it’s not so much luck as it is planned- we prefer using equipment as opposed to our backs!

Corn on the cob ready for the fall season

The corn is also ready to be chopped and bagged for silage. We’ll feed this in the winter as an energy source for the cattle. Does anyone else enjoy the smell of silage? Seems like people either love it or hate it. We love it, except when the bag gets torn from something (kids, dogs, tractor- it could be anything) and an area of the silage spoils. Now that will knock you down.

Ready to get more pork back at Circle G to smoke and enjoy

Later this month we will be taking two hogs and a cow to slaughter. And we’re excited to finally have pork back in stock! Watch on our website, Facebook, and Instagram for availability.

Circle G roast beef with mashed potatoes and green beans

The produce is winding down with most of what we have left going to our late-night dinners. We had roast beef (out of a rump roast) with mashed potatoes and green beans from the garden the other night. It’s nice to not have to go to the grocery store for meal prep! Now if we could only figure out how to grow Captain Crunch and Diet Coke, I wouldn’t need to go at all.

Image of tractor chopping corn on the farm

Better get back to the tractor, there’s squirreling to be done! Thanks for checking out our website and don’t forget to subscribe to our email list so you get the latest product and recipe updates from Circle G!

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